
A Sweet Ray of Sunshine

My Dad’s Birthday!!!!

Hi everyone!!!

We just celebrated my dad’s birthday!! We go to his favorite restaurant every year and he always wears the same sombrero and the waiters and waitresses sing the same song!! It’s a tradition!! My dad is big on making us all laugh!! He will say and do the funniest things!! We all love his silly personality, and he is always teasing and playing!!  Love you Dad! Happy Birthday!!!

In other news, it has been a great summer so far. I have been going to the beach, swimming in the pool, hanging with friends and family, going to the movie, working out, and just living life!!!! I am so excited for next week because I am volunteering for VBS at my Church. PLUS……… It’s SHARK WEEK!! I love Shark Week so much. If you do not know where this is on TV, it is on the Discovery channel. There is so much to learn about the different kinds of sharks, their habitats, and their migration patterns. I am not sure why I am interested in sharks, but they fascinate me in a “I’m scared to death of them” way. Between VBS and Shark Week, it will be a fun week!!!

New Driver in Town!!!!

Hi everyone!

I hope your week is going well so far. I have some really good news to share………… I GOT MY LICENSE!!!!!!!!!!! I got it back in February but I am just now sharing it with y’all! When I took my driver’s test, I was not even nervous and I passed the first time!! WOOHOO!!!! I am so excited to be an official driver!!

When I first started driving, it was such an adventure!!! Dang those lines were small to try to stay between and don’t even get me started on the curbs. I felt like my tires were attracted to those silly curbs. There is  one big problem with the driving…….. I am only five foot two so seeing over the dash is a challenge. A few weeks ago my mom got me a cushion to sit on. This has really helped me see better.

Even though I have been driving for awhile, my mom still acts like she is going to have a heart attack when I drive. Haha 😂 My dad, on the other hand, is very calm and chill which is good when driving.

I have been driving everywhere this summer and I can’t wait to drive myself to school this year!!!! Look out world, here I come!!!!!!!!!


Notice the cushion behind me!! (LOL!!)

My New Kitten Alice!!🐱

Hi everyone!!

I hope you guys are having a fantabulous week so far. Today I wanted to post about the new kitten that I got the other day!!

Before I start talking about the new kitten, I thought it would be good to tell you about my other cat that died about a month ago.  When I was little I had always wanted a cat of my own. One weekend we went to my grandmother’s house and she had an adorable litter of kittens. My parents let me pick one out. I fell in love with a Calico cat with green eyes and the sweetest face. I named her Callie. I had her for so many years but about a month ago, she died. We could tell she was not feeling well so we took her to the vet. The vet ran lots of tests, but they found nothing wrong. The morning that she died, she started convulsing and was dead within a minute. I grieved  so hard and did not want to replace her.  I felt like there could never be another Callie.

A couple of days ago,  my dad walked out to the backyard and heard something meowing (crying). At first he thought it was a bird, but he found the tiniest little kitten hiding in the bushes. It was terrified. It took a while for it to come out, but we finally coaxed it out with food. I took it inside and gave it more food and water. The poor kitten was starving and scarfed the food and water down. Upon inspection, we discovered the kitten was a girl!! My parents said that I could keep her so our next step was to name her. Just so you know, I am very well-known in my family to change something’s name more than one time!! First I named the kitten Belle, then it was Contessa, and then it was finally Alice (Ally for short!). She is the sweetest little thing and so tiny. She is literally pocket sized (no joke!!). I love Ally so much and she makes me laugh For example, the other day I was on FaceTime with a friend and Ally sat on top of my keyboard and turned on Siri. I laughed so hard! It was adorable! I know that I cannot replace Callie with another cat, but I am making room in my heart for this little one.

A Wedding, WWII and a Haunted Hotel

Hi everyone!!!!

I hope your summer is going well! This post is going to be all over the place because I am going to talk about a wedding, WWII, and a haunted hotel. LOL!!

To start, my family and I went to a wedding of a family friend in Texarkana,Texas. We had so much fun! During this wedding it was my job to babysit the ring bearer. He was ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!  He was a busy little guy and so smart.  He loved the cake and managed to get pieces from several different people. It was funny to watch.  The venue for the wedding was absolutely stunning. It was in a huge barn with a large outdoor porch.  White lights were draped everywhere.  The bride was beautiful and the groom was handsome.  One fun thing they had at the wedding was a photo booth.  My parents and I enjoyed dressing up in goofy props for the photos!!

My parents and I had some time to kill on the day of the wedding so we went to the downtown area of Texarkana. When my parents were in their 20s they would go to see my great grandfather and grandmother who lived in Texarkana. My Pawpaw would tell them stories about the town. My mom has always told me these same stories, but I was never that interested. I guess I was too young to appreciate stories from the past. This time I was very interested. One of the buildings that we came across was the Union Station. According to my parents my great grandfather (Pawpaw) left for WWII in this exact station. When they told me this, I thought that was pretty neat. The Union Station was built in 1929 and it is on the National Register of Historic Places. The train station sits on the state line of Texas and Arkansas. When we saw the station it was very worn out, old, and rusted but still had its original antique beauty.  It was just hard to imagine my Pawpaw walking up to this station to head off to war.

Another place my parents and I saw was the Hotel Grim. This hotel has been abandoned for years and is in very rough shape. When we got to the hotel, there was a gate in front of two stunning, but crumbling  French doors. We peeked into the gate and we were able to see into the back lobby. We saw crown molding, marble floors, antique railings, and beautiful swirly woodwork on the ceiling. We could also smell the very old, antique odor that came out of the door. Seeing the shape that this hotel is in now does not hide how breathtaking it was at one point. An interesting fact about the Hotel Grim is that it is said that Bonnie and Clyde stayed there at one point which I found fascinating. Yesterday I watched a video on YouTube about the Hotel Grim where two guys are videoing walking through the hotel. Here is the link if you guys are interested: I am not sure if it will work so here is the name of the video: Exploring the Abandoned Hotel Grim.

This trip was definitely an adventure and I hope to go again and discover more things in Texarkana!!!!!!!!!

Love this little guy!!

Fun in the photo booth with my parents!!


Photo booth with family and friends!!



Union Station where my Pawpaw left to serve in the Navy in World War II





Standing in two places at once! The Post office on State Line.






Hotel Grim

This is a picture of the Hotel Grim on the inside that I found on the internet. I could not get a good picture of it when we were there because the hole that we were looking through was too small. In this picture you can see the details of the hotel that I was talking about. Isn’t it just beautiful!!!

I’m a Junior!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi everyone!!

 It’s Memorial Day!  I had a great-uncle named Houston that died at Pearl Harbor.  This day is for him.

I am so happy…. I am finally a Junior!!!!!!! I had such a fun sophomore year. but I am glad it is over!! I cannot wait to see  what my junior year brings. So I just finished with finals this past week and I exempted out of five of them!! I had six A’s, one B, and one class that I am still waiting on the grade.  I was on the border so it could be an A or a B.  We will see.  I am definitely glad that it is finally summer and I do not have to worry about school until August!!!!!!

We started the summer off with a bang! My family and I went to Galveston for the weekend.  We walked  on the beach, ate ice cream, and looked in shops on the strand. Last year I watched Shark Week and I got so afraid of the water that I refused to get in. I mean really, no one wants sharks nibbling on their toes lol!!!! But this year I reluctantly went into the water for who knows what reason and I had a blast!!!! I’ll probably keep going in the water until I watch Shark Week again this year.  HaHa!!

Also, just randomly…………………………………….GOOO ROCKETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I also want to thank all of the Veterans out there for serving in the military, and I would also like to honor those who have passed away fighting for our country. Thank you Veterans for all that you do for our country, and God bless those who are still fighting.


Happy Easter!!✝️🌷

Hi everyone!!

I hope your week went well!!  I had a good week but I came down with a slight cold on Thursday.  I’m hoping it will pass soon so next week will be smooth.  Today I am going to talk about what my family and I did for Easter!! To start, on Good Friday my parents and I went to church. Our church encourages people to go to church early on holidays since Sunday service is usually so full  On Sunday, we did our yearly Easter egg hunt!! It was so much fun to find all the eggs and see what was inside!!!  This year, the eggs were filled with dollar bills and change.  I’m not going to complain!  Haha!!

After a fun morning, my family and I went to a hotel for a brunch. This hotel is an old historical hotel facing the beach.  It was built in 1911 so it has lots of stories and history.  It is an absolute beautiful hotel and we enjoyed walking around and taking it all in!!   As far as the brunch itself, I would describe it as a food extravaganza!  The tables were loaded with different things and the tables went on and on from room to room.   They had a huge seafood table, a waffle table, a pasta table, and so many more.   As always,  my FAVORITE table  was the dessert table!! I actually think you could call it a dessert room since the table was so long and covered the entire wall of one room.  My parents loved the Bananas Foster which they made right in from of you, but I went for the chocolate!!!🍫😂  If I remember correctly,, I tried two separate chocolate dishes and then finished off my mom’s ice cream!  We were stuffed!!

After we finished eating, my mom took some super cute pictures inside of the hotel. At one point, my grandmother started imitating me with my poses (chicken arm pose). I would put my hand on my hip and then she would put her hand on her hip.  I would cross my legs and then she would cross her legs.  It was just one of those funny moments of the day that I remember.  I started laughing, then my mom started laughing, and then my grandmother joined in.   It was such a special day and I will always remember it!


In other good news, I have three weeks left of regular school and then finals week!!  Yay!!  I am so ready to be done with school.  Bring on the summer!!!!




Of course being the only egg hunter helps!! (Haha)




Homecoming 2017

Hi everyone

Today I’m going to post some pictures from the Homecoming dance. My goal is to get Homecoming posts complete before six months have passed since the dance night.That’s not a bad goal right? (haha) I have one more Homecoming post coming after today and I am working on three or four more posts that have nothing to do with Homecoming. I will keep posts coming so thank you if you are sticking with me!!

 One of the things that is taking up my time right now is a geography class that I am taking. I switched schools at Christmas and the new school requires a freshman geography class to graduate. I am a sophomore so I had to add it to my regular sophomore schedule. It is making life super busy. One thing that is cool though is that I get hits on my blog from all over the world.  Seeing the hits from around the world is making geography a lot more fun!!! So thank you to everyone visiting my blog!!

Back to Homecoming….. my old school had a tight dress code so I was on a mission to find a modest and  conservative dress. Many of the dresses today either have really wide cut-outs or they are very low in the back or front. We have a friend who is in pageants and she told us to look at Sherri Hill dresses. She said they were beautiful and they had modest options.  I found one that I fell in love with. It was baby blue and very sparkly. I know there are probably other brands out there that have conservative dresses, but this helped us narrow it down and get dress shopping done quicker. As far as the dance itself, it was fantastic! I love dancing so I danced the night away.

There is one more photo from the dance on Instagram. Feel free to check it out if you are interested!!

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!!!




My friend wasn’t comfortable being on the blog so I took her out of the picture! She did look fantastic though!!


This was snapped when my parents dropped me off at the party before the dance!

Sweet 16 Parties!!!!

Hi everyone!!

This is the year of turning 16!!!!! While my Sweet 16 was a family affair, I was lucky enough to get invited to some super cool parties!

A couple of the parties that I attended had game trucks. I had never seen this before, but it was pretty neat. On the inside of the truck, there were large TVs on which you could play wii and Xbox… IT WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!! On the outside of the truck, there was a huge flat screen TV that my friends and I played “Just Dance” on!!   The truck kept everyone busy and having fun!

Another party that I attended was a fun brunch at a friend’s house. It was a dressy affair with lots of food, friends, and fun!  This party had a photo booth with a glitzy, gold background and silly props!

The last party that I went to was a super cool New York themed party. The dress was semi-formal so it was fun to dress up and wear heels. There was an area in the room that had a fake fountain and fake shrubs that made it look like Central Park. For dinner, we had Mexican food. For dessert, we had cake and a table full of candy!! We danced all night and had a blast!!

For my Sweet 16, my family and I and a friend went to the college that my dad got his Bachelor’s degree from. We walked around the campus and ate at my favorite restaurant. Then when we got home that night, my friend and I had a sleepover!!! I had an amazing Sweet 16!!! I can’t wait to see what is in store for the rest of the year!!


My mom snapped these photos before leaving for the parties!!



Great Days With Peppermint!!!🐴🍬

Hi everyone!!!!

I hope your week is going well. I wanted to post about one of the things that I like to do for fun. I love horseback riding!! I go weekly after school to a local barn to ride. I have been horseback riding for almost 8 years!!

I was in a horse show a few years ago!! It was so much fun!! The horse that I took to the show was one of the barn horses and his name was Johnny. He was trained to do Western Pleasure.  We won two first place ribbons and one second place ribbon. I was so proud of my Johnny boy!!! I was absolutely devastated when my teacher told me that Johnny was no longer at the barn. The owner of the barn had to retire him because not too long after our show, he injured his leg and he couldn’t canter. I still miss him to this day. I love you Johnny!!!

Now I am riding a horse named Peppermint. She is such a sweetheart and I love her very much!!! She is a really fun horse to ride and in some cases reminds me of my spoiled horse Beetle Bug!!  Depending on her mood, I have to really work to get her to listen and do what I need her to do.   These days,  I am just riding for pleasure.  It is my relaxation time and I really enjoy riding Peppermint.




Day 4: White Out Day!!!!

Hi Everyone!!!!

This was the fourth day of Homecoming Week and it was “White Out” Day for the volleyball team. There’s not much to this costume but any day that is a break from uniforms is fun!!  I was thinking that if you add some cotton balls, it would make a great Abominable Snowman or a snowball costume!!! I put silver icicles in my hair.  I hope you can see them!

Unfortunately, I have a lot of homework to do so this is a short post. I hope y’all have a great weekend!!!!!!!!