I’m a Junior!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi everyone!!

 It’s Memorial Day!  I had a great-uncle named Houston that died at Pearl Harbor.  This day is for him.

I am so happy…. I am finally a Junior!!!!!!! I had such a fun sophomore year. but I am glad it is over!! I cannot wait to see  what my junior year brings. So I just finished with finals this past week and I exempted out of five of them!! I had six A’s, one B, and one class that I am still waiting on the grade.  I was on the border so it could be an A or a B.  We will see.  I am definitely glad that it is finally summer and I do not have to worry about school until August!!!!!!

We started the summer off with a bang! My family and I went to Galveston for the weekend.  We walked  on the beach, ate ice cream, and looked in shops on the strand. Last year I watched Shark Week and I got so afraid of the water that I refused to get in. I mean really, no one wants sharks nibbling on their toes lol!!!! But this year I reluctantly went into the water for who knows what reason and I had a blast!!!! I’ll probably keep going in the water until I watch Shark Week again this year.  HaHa!!

Also, just randomly…………………………………….GOOO ROCKETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I also want to thank all of the Veterans out there for serving in the military, and I would also like to honor those who have passed away fighting for our country. Thank you Veterans for all that you do for our country, and God bless those who are still fighting.


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