Homecoming 2017

Hi everyone

Today I’m going to post some pictures from the Homecoming dance. My goal is to get Homecoming posts complete before six months have passed since the dance night.That’s not a bad goal right? (haha) I have one more Homecoming post coming after today and I am working on three or four more posts that have nothing to do with Homecoming. I will keep posts coming so thank you if you are sticking with me!!

 One of the things that is taking up my time right now is a geography class that I am taking. I switched schools at Christmas and the new school requires a freshman geography class to graduate. I am a sophomore so I had to add it to my regular sophomore schedule. It is making life super busy. One thing that is cool though is that I get hits on my blog from all over the world.  Seeing the hits from around the world is making geography a lot more fun!!! So thank you to everyone visiting my blog!!

Back to Homecoming….. my old school had a tight dress code so I was on a mission to find a modest and  conservative dress. Many of the dresses today either have really wide cut-outs or they are very low in the back or front. We have a friend who is in pageants and she told us to look at Sherri Hill dresses. She said they were beautiful and they had modest options.  I found one that I fell in love with. It was baby blue and very sparkly. I know there are probably other brands out there that have conservative dresses, but this helped us narrow it down and get dress shopping done quicker. As far as the dance itself, it was fantastic! I love dancing so I danced the night away.

There is one more photo from the dance on Instagram. Feel free to check it out if you are interested!!

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!!!




My friend wasn’t comfortable being on the blog so I took her out of the picture! She did look fantastic though!!


This was snapped when my parents dropped me off at the party before the dance!